Today, 26.04.1942, 19.02 o`clock I take command of an counterattack against an US base on the north coast of Australia. The Base was surprisingly taken over by US forces a few days before.
I decided a fast couterattack, befor they could fortify the base.
They left back only a few bombers.
Everything was calm.
The carriers launch fighters to clear the sky. (it was damaged by a sub-attack a few days befor, no time to repair).
As the US.Boys noticed my troops, they launched bombers attacking my carriers.
The fight in the sky started by attacking the poor defended PBV Catalinas.
They did not have any chance.
Tey FlyingFortress did a better job of defending. Japanese fighters get first casualties
But, at least, they outnumberted the US bombers, shooting down one after one.
Greenhorn fighters tent to fly against enemy planes...
After a short fight the US Force retreat, the rest of ther airforce is eaten up by aa-gun fire
After the battle transporters arrive to bring in troops.