Articles Update:This
article is about the history of Japanese single-motor fighters of WW2.
Stormy Party
On the 11th of November The
Artillery Museum of St.Petersburg was stormed by the journalists. They
were the participants of the press tour organized by Buka Entertainment
and Lesta Studio to present Pacific Storm to the press.
At first, the journalists were initiated into kamikaze pilots, and then
they received a warm welcome from the developers of Pacific Storm who
were wearing US pilot uniforms of WW2. In the impressive interiors of
the museum surrounded by historical weapons Lesta Studio presented its
unique upcoming title about the war in the Pacific between the US and
Japan. That was an amazing show! After the presentation the participants
moved to a captured Japanese restaurant to continue the party in a friendly
The journalists made sure that the united forces of Buka and Lesta are
armed quite well and ready to storm the game world. Well, soon the international
community will know more about Pacific Storm too!
Pacific Storm Screenshots
Pacific Storm screenshot gallery has been extended
with 3 additional pages:
naval bombers and torpedo planes
Articles Update: "In a military campaign
against the United States Japan could only lose since its economy was
not nearly as powerful as that of the US, and it would not be able to
replace the lost ships and aircraft as quickly as the Americans could
do it. Yamamoto proposed the only solution, which could, at least postpone
a military catastrophe if not avert it: to destroy the enemy fleet at
its home base. This mission was to be accomplished by 135 D3A1 dive
bombers, 144 B5N2 torpedo bombers and a number of escort A6M2 Zero fighter
planes from six heavy aircraft carriers." Read
Pacific Storm Gallery
We've launched
new Pacific Storm screenshot gallery with some advanced features
like file rating and commenting. The gallery presents screenshots of
strategic and tactical level of Pacific Storm.
Pacific Storm Closed Beta Test
Studio, an independent developer of interactive entertainment
software, offers you an exciting opportunity to work as a Volunteer
QA/Game Tester on Pacific Storm in a
closed beta test. Game testing experience preferred but not necessary.
Candidate must have experience playing RTS/war-game/air simulation
games. If you own a modern PC able to run Pacific Storm, and have
access to the Internet, and you are willing to improve the game
with a team of enthusiasts, this is for you.
Articles Update � US Navy Bombers and Torpedo Bombers
" the beginning of the 30s the vision of the carrier
borne aviation had already become clear: the Navy needed reconnaissance
aircrafts, covering fighters, torpedo bombers and dive bombers
that could weaken the enemy fleet before the battleships entered
the scene."
Art: Hi-resolution Pacific Storm Posters
Articles Update � Japanese Carrier Borne Fighters
"Mitsubishi A6M Reisen (Zero, fighter Type 0) was the only carrier
borne fighter of the Imperial fleet at the times of the Second
World War. In the beginning it by far surpassed all Allied fighters,
but by the end of war it became hopelessly obsolete. Its advantages
� high agility and long range of flight � caused its disadvantages,
low speed and poor combat survivability. Skilled pilots burned
like torches in the meat grinder of the Pacific front. The last
machines, piloted by kamikazes, young boys who were barely trained
to fly, perished like fiery comets in the fights with the US Navy
fleets in 1945. Nevertheless, Zero became the
most famous Japanese aircraft of the Pacific war and the symbol
of the Imperial air power." Read
Articles Update � U.S. Air Force Bombers
"The emergence and coming of age of American bomber aviation
was one of the most remarkable advances in the whole history of
aviation. It was not only that the United States, which entered
the war with only a few outdated bombers, managed to build by
the end of it the most advanced and powerful bomber fleet in the
world. What is even more important is that the United States have
demonstrated that in a global war the outcome depends primarily
on who has greater numbers of better performance heavy bombers".
Storm at E3
Buka has attended the annual
E3 Expo and presented Pacific
Storm. Analyzing expo results, we can say that the project has
attracted the most vivid interest.
Note: Vladimir Miniaev, who works for the Buka company, says:
"It's an amazing experience when total strangers stop
by, shake hands and express gratitude for brining such projects
in to the world. I was immensely proud even though it's no achievement
of mine. For the "Pacific Storm" gratitude should go to Lesta
� the team who develop it".
Storm at
published a short preview of Pacific Storm:
"Many classic game fanatics who always wanted so much
more from Battleship and other related war games will finally
find what they have been looking for with Pacific Storm. It has
so much potential with a combination of genres for us war gamers
at heart!"
Storm: E3 Gameplay Reel
Lesta Studio
and Buka Entertainment present
a new 3-minute gameplay reel showing new graphical and gameplay
improvements in Pacific Strom. The new gameplay reel displays fierce
air battles between the US and Imperial Japan, various units used
by the rivals, as well as strategic, tactical, and simulator game
modes. It should also be noted that the video demonstrates all new
graphical technologies implemented by the development team: ultra-realistic
pixel-shader water, different weather conditions, and new FX. The
reel can be downloaded in the "Video"
section of the official site.