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Pacific Storm

Elements of War

Lesta studio, well known among gamers as a developer of "Pacific storm", produces a new long-expected game - MMO RTS "Elements of War". Join us with you own army at the official web-site

Pacific Storm Allies Update 1.4 (UK)
This update is for the UK version of Pacific Storm Allies published by Excalibur Publishing Limited. It resolves a great number of issues and can be downloaded by clicking on the link (approx. 11 MB in size).

Pacific Storm Allies Goes Gold in North America

Cary, NC, January 10, 2008 Pacific Storm: Allies, the latest title in the Pacific Storm series of WWII Pacific Theater of war titles from Lesta, Buka and cdv Software Entertainment USA, has gone gold today. The game, which puts players in the roles of fighter jocks, ship captains and master strategists with its unique combination of strategy and action-based gameplay, is set for a retail release in late January. For more information about Pacific Storm Allies, please visit the new official site in North America at pacificstorm.cdvus.com

Pacific Storm Allies Update 1.2 (UK)
This update is for the UK version of Pacific Storm Allies published by Excalibur Publishing Limited. It resolves a number of issues (including graphics) and can be downloaded by clicking on the link (approx. 10 MB in size). More information on the patch can be found here.

Pacific Storm: Allies in France
Pacific Storm Allies is available in France. The standalone expansion has a new name 'Pacific Storm 2' for the French market and the game is published by ANUMAN Interactive SA.


The Top Five World War II Games of 2006

The January/Febuary issue of WW2 Magazine has hailed Pacific Storm one of the 5 best WW2 games of 2006!

Pacific Storm: Allies head to the UK
Excalibur Publishing Limited announced release date for Pacific Storm: Allies in the United Kingdom. The game will reach shelves on 25th May 2007.


Australian patch Ahoy!

Pacific Storm 1.3 patch for Australian release is
availible for download. This version should also install on retail Singapore version.

Download: Patch 1.3 Australian (4,5 Mb)

Updated version of Pacific Storm 1.3 patch for those, who faced problems updating North American release.

Download: Patch 1.3 English (9 Mb)

The Top Five World War II Games of 2006

The January/Febuary issue of WW2 Magazine has hailed Pacific Storm one of the 5 best WW2 games of 2006!

Pacific Storm: Allies screenshots by KiloAlpha4

KiloAlpha4 is well known among �Pacific storm� community. Currently, he is very busy with beta-testing of forthcoming add-on. Nevertheless, he has kindly managed to find some time to upload a huge gallery and share a batch of beautiful screenshots from Pacific Storm: Allies at our forum.

Pacific Storm: Allies released in Russia
As we have previously announced, Pacific Storm: Allies reached stores in Russia on today.

Pacific Storm: Allies went for France
Buka Entertainment has signed another contract with Anuman Interactive for publishing localized version of �Pacific Storm: Allies� in France, French-speaking part of Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Morocco, Tunis, Algeria and Senegal.

Pacific Storm now in Italy
Both "Pacific Storm" and "Pacific storm: Allies" will be published in Italy by Blue Label Entertainment, Buka has reported on its official web-site.

Pacific Storm 1.3 Patch for Japan and Czech Republic

Pacific Storm 1.3 Patches for Japan and Czech releases are availible for download at our web-site.

Patch 1.3 Japan (9 Mb)
Patch 1.3 Czech (9 Mb)

New videos from Pacific Storm: Allies

Today we are glad to present 12 new trailers from upcoming Pacific Storm: Allies. New videos include intro movie, E3 gameplay trailer, as well as 10 new ships and airplanes. Some of them are as famous as HMS King George V and Japanese G10N "America bomber", some are unknown as US flying pancake F5U. See all of new video at our Video room.

Pacific Storm: Allies has gone gold in Russia
Buka Entertainment has announced that Pacific Storm: Allies the add-on to famous Pacific Storm RTS/Wargame had gone gold and will be available in Russian retail on February 8.

Pacific Storm: Allies new screenshots

We are glad to present a batch of news screenshots captured from upcoming Pacific Storm: Allies. The screens, which show fighting of joint British and Dutch squadron against Japanese units, present both new units and new elements of in-game interface. See new screenshots at our Art room.

Pacific Storm hits Japan!

Several months ago we were pleased to announce release of Pacific Storm in Europe and the US. New Year has brought to us good news about another release of the game, that had crossed Pacific Ocean and hit Japan. Below, you can find the links to Japanese official web-cite, as well as a series of screenshots captured from the localized version.

Seasons Greetings

Lesta Studio would like to wish all visitors of our site and forums Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We would like to thank the fans for their interest to our game, and modders for their hard work contributed to the community. Have nice holidays!

In 2007, we are going to bring you even more fun with Pacific Storm: Allies upcoming. New review is available at GameZone.

Pacific Storm Patch is out!

Lesta Studio and Buka Entertainment announce the first multilanguage update for international release of Pacific Storm. The patch updates stock game to 1.3 version, bringing a number of improvements and fixes.

Download: Patch 1.3 (9 Mb)


Tora! Tora! Tora!

65 years ago, on December 7th, 1941, the Second World War has come to the Pacific, ater the Empire of Japan had attacked Pearl-Harbor, Hawaii. The signal to launch the air raid was - �Tora! Tora! Tora!� - �Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!� in translation. The successful operation of vice-admiral Nagumo�s strike forces caused heavy losses among US personnel and ships � 5 battleships were sunk, while 3 other, along with 3 cruisers and 4 destroyers were badly damaged. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, has addressed to the Congress and nation, calling this day - �The day of infamy�.

(photo from http://www.worldwar-2.net)

Bismark vs. Hood

Today, we upload new hi-res renders of 3D models from Pacific Storm: Allies. This time they represent the pride of British Royal Navy � HMS Hood that was the largest warship in the world in the 1920-30s. We also bring to your attention her contender, the most powerful raider of German Kriegsmarine � battleship Bismarck. Both ships are famous for the battle in the Dutch strait, when HMS Hood had been sunk by a shell fired from Bismarck, while the German battleship itself was destroyed by British fleet several days after on May 27, 1941.
Besides new 3D renders, we are offering to download hi-quality desktop wallpapers of these giants of the sea.

HMS Hood
Battleship Bismark

PSMission editor updated!

Timetraveller has updated his mission editor for Pacific Storm. New build includes some fixes and additions to previous version. Read more...

French Pacific Storm released!

Anuman Interactive is proud to announce the French release of Pacific Storm! This version, 100% in French, is available in every retail outlets from now on.
The game is released in a limited edition metal packaging including a poster and the user manual. For further information, visit the French official website!

Anuman Interactive est fier d'annoncer la sortie francaise de Pacific Storm ! Cette version, 100% en francais, est d'ores et deja disponible dans tous les points de vente. Le jeu sort en edition limitee METAL incluant un poster et le manuel d'utilisation. Pour plus d'informations, n'hesitez pas a consulter le site officiel francais du jeu!


PS MODS team strikes back!

After having a short break PS MOD site is active again. Within last few days PS MOD team has released a huge set of new mods, which were long waited by many Pacific Storm players.

New ship skins
New plane skins
New building skins
P-38 Trident skins

Several skin mods for ships, planes, environment and other objects within the game.

Airplane logo/number remover

This mod removes the airplane numbers and nose art

Japanese AP 400 & 640 bomb fix
Weapons and such mod
Small tweak guideline

Some tweaks for weapons in Pacific Storm.

Gun Sights Mod
Gun Sight add-on pack

This mod gives you a couple changed sights plus more visibility of the sights from the default color. You can also choose between flat or raised gun sights.

Missing US Commander fix

Adds famous US submariner - Samuel Dealey to the list of US NAVY officers.

Some of these mods need The Pacific Storm file unpacker that can be also downloaded at PS MOD homepage along with many other useful mods and utilities for Pacific Storm.

Mission editor and resource unpacker by Timetraveler

The first tools for moding Pacific Storm � mission editor and resource unpacker created by Timetraveler of PS MOD team are available now. The tools that help PS players to create their own missions and mod game resources can be downloaded along with some other mods altering aircraft engines� and ship guns� sounds by the following link.


Pacific Storm Ships to Retail!

CDV Software Entertainment - North America has officially announced that Pacific Storm had been shipped to North American retail outlets. The announcement confirms first reports posted last week by US based visitors of our forums that the game could be seen at stores and went on sell at some of them. Bitcoin payments are accepted at the store through platforms such as bitcoin prime. Meanwhile, CDV Software Entertainment USA offered another trailer that shows game's action-packed combat between naval ships, submarines and aircrafts, as well as some new screenshots. in CDV's online press room.

Pacific Storm Gold released in Russia

Buka Entertainment and Lesta Studio are pleased to announce the second release of the game that is known worldwide as Pacific Storm. The Gold version includes all present updates for original Russian release and is compatible internationally for multiplayer game.

United we win!

Today we have new updates in web-links. The list of official web-sites for Pacific Storm is enlarged with sites launched by CDV Software Entertainment - North America, Frogster Interactive Pictures, ANUMAN Interactive SA, Becides I have added previously announced PS MODS launched by our friends and forum visitors. See new links in Lesta's online press room.

North American site of Pacific Storm

CDV Software Entertainment - North America launched a new site on Pacific Storm and published new screenshots presenting naval combat in Pacific Storm. See them in online press room.

PC Games of Fall 2006

�Every once in a while a game comes along that seems to answer an unspoken dream among gamers. Lesta's Pacific Storm is just such a game. Combining a comprehensive strategic simulation of the entire Pacific theater during the Second World War with compelling real-time tactical battles, Pacific Storm gives players control over every aspect of the fight between the forces of America and Japan�� Read the full feature

Bloody Tarawa at Pacific Storm Forums

This week naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan launched massive offensive against allied outpost in the Pacific--Tarawa island. Besides, the Japanese started long awaited invasion into Australia by attacking and landing at Darvin. You may see screenshot made and uploaded by Topas at Pacific Storm forums� Battle of Tarawa, Battle of Darwin, Battle for Dutch Harbor.

North America: Pacific Storm has Gone Gold

CDV Software Entertainment USA and Buka Entertainment are pleased to announce that Pacific Storm has gone gold and will be available in North American retail on October 1. Pacific Storm is a hybrid RTS/Action title set in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Pacific Storm will appeal to both serious armchair admirals and action-oriented virtual fighter pilots alike, with its combination of rich strategic elements and in-the-cockpit combat controls.

French official Pacific Storm website now open

Anuman interactive, Pacific Storm's publisher in France, announces the opening of the French official website of the game : www.pacificstorm-lejeu.com
The website presents the game's main features, but also many surprises : screenshots, wallpapers, videos, military units description... FAQs and a dedicated forum complete the website where all French fans can discuss about the game before the official launch on October, 30th 2006. The game will be released on that day for the first time in French, including a poster and the user manual in a limited edition metal packaging.

Armchair General previews Pacific Storm

"Combining three levels of play into a mammoth theater of operations is a bold move. By making such a move, Pacific Storm seems to have caught the essence of the conflict that should enthrall gamers of every stripe."

The full preview can be found at armchairgeneral.com

"Aggression: Europe 1914" web-site test-launched

"Aggression: Europe 1914", another strategy game by Lesta Studio was presented at Games Convention 2006. This game is an RTS with role-playing elements, in which the player may take the role of a leader of one of European nations and take active part in the critical point events of European history - the age of World Wars in 1914-1945. Today, we are glad to introduce new official web-site for news, screenshots and other information on www.aggression-game.com

Pacific Storm at GC 2006

Five members of Lesta game development team came back from GC 2006 (Germany). They were presenting new titles by Lesta Studio such as Pacific Storm Allies (an expansion for Pacific Storm) and Aggression.

Pacific Storm hits Germany
Frogster interactive pictures, German publisher of Pacific Storm, the award winning combination of global strategy, RTS and flight simulation has made the announcement that had been long waited by our fans. Today, Pacific Storm hits trader's shelves all over Germany. The game is delivered along with 156 page manual, detailed unit overview in the poster format and Kamikaze headband


Pacific Storm gone gold in Germany
Frogster interactive pictures announced that German version of Pacific Storm has gone gold. After release the game will be delivered along with 156 page manual, detailed unit overview in the poster format and Kamikaze headband


First web site for Pacific Storm mods

PS MODS � first homepage for Pacific Storm mods is launched this day by Time Traveller and KiloAlpha4. Two modders well known on our forums for their brilliant modifications for Pacific Storm demo have established new mod team and introduced new single resource to home mods made by Pacific Storm community. Lesta Studio is glad to present new site and wishes to mod team good luck in their work.


More 18 previews on Pacific Storm

Today we have another 18 previews of forthcoming Pacific Storm uploaded to our press room. Since the game becomes popular all around the world you can find articles in English, German, Spanish and some other languages.

Pacific Storm release date comes closer

Release date for Pacific Storm in Europe and America come closer. Yesturday our German publisher - Frogster interactive pictures launched its own Pacific Storm official news portal and forums.

Meanwhile, CDV released box arts for American release of Pacific Storm.

Press about Pacific Storm & PS: Allies

Pacific Storm and Pacific Storm: Allies get more news coverage this summer. Read more reveiws of the game and add-on at:


NVIDIA certified Pacific Storm
NVIDIA has certified and added Pacific Storm to the list of PC games compatible to its cards and drivers. Certification confirmed that Pacific Storm responds to the requirement of NVIDIA to PC games.

First users' missions and mods for Pacific Storm

First user�s missions and modifications for Pacific Storm have appeared in Mod thread on our forums. The first one is Surigao Strait mission for Pacific Storm demo. You can also find a screensaver, desktop wallpapers, various sound and bigger Ocean waves mods.

First units for Pacific Storm: Allies

First renders of new units for Pacific Storm: Allies are uploaded to our gallery. New models with high resoulution textures will bring Pacific Storm: Allies to a more improved level of visualization making battles for the Pacific even livelier on your PC's.

More previews of Pacific Storm: Allies

Inspired by E3 2006 presentation of Pacific Storm: Allies, the leading PC and video game portals have offered their first look at the ultimate cross-genre strategy, naval and air simulation war-game:


Pacific Storm: Allies nominated on Best Expansion

Canadian PC and video games portal www.gamingexcellence.com announced its own results of international exhibition E3 2006. Both Pacific Storm: Allies and Aggression: Europe 1914 developed by Lesta were presented among nominees on portal� special awards. Pacific Storm: Allies was nominated as Best Expansion.

Pacific Storm nominated Best Strategy Game at E3 2006

The largest US-based video games portal - IGN.com - has nominated Pacific Storm by Lesta Studio on Best Strategy Game award as ultimate Pacific naval war game. The game was presented along with Company of Heroes (Relic/THQ); Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II (EA); Medieval 2: Total War (Creative Assembly/Sega).



